Hilow Chart
Once the highlow series is created you can add some data in it. HighLow series use the Values data series for the high values and the XValues data series for the custom x positions of the data points. Blood Bowl Star Player Cards Pdf Reader.
A High-Low Chart displays a sequence of data points, each representing a one-dimensional value range. The begin values of consecutive data points are connected with a. The charting technique has become very popular among traders. Charts have been employed worldwidely as the primary tool and often reflect short or long term. Hi Lo Card Counting in Blackjack. Chart strategy differences are more important when the count is positive than when the count is negative.
In addition to these data series the High-Low series provides another data series of type Double, which holds the low values. It is accessible through the property of object. For consistency the Values data series can also be accesses through the property of the NHighLowSeries object. You can either manipulate directly the HighValues, LowValues and XValues data series, or use the data point interface to add data. The class provides several constructors that can be very helpful when you add data points. Microsoft Office 2007 Enterprise Activated And Tested For Stds.
Please refer to the topic for more information. The high-low series supports two appearance modes - the first one (SeriesAppearanceMode.Generic) is the generic series appearance mode as it is described in the topic; the second appearance mode (SeriesAppearanceMode.SeriesLogic) is specific for the high-low series.
In this mode the appearance styles are applied according to the following rules: the areas, where the high values are greater than the low values, are displayed with the HighFillStyle and HighBorderStyle styles. The areas, where the high values are smaller than the low values, are displayed with the LowFillStyle and LowBorderStyle styles. The High-Low series appearance mode is controlled through the AppearanceMode property. An Introduction To Statistical Modelling Krzanowski Pdf Creator. By default it is set to SeriesLogic. The following code example sets red color for the high areas and blue color for the low areas. The NHighLowSeries class extends the formatting commands set inherited from its base class with the following formatting commands: - the current data point high value (extracted from the HighValues data series) - the current data point low value (extracted from the LowValuesdata series) - replaced with the HighLabel string if the data point is with up orientation or with empty string if not - replaced with the LowLabel string if the data point is with down orientation or with empty string if not. Copy Code ' specify the texts hilow.HighLabel = 'up' hilow.LowLabel = 'down' ' set the formatting commands hilow.DataLabelStyle.Format = ' ' configure the legend hilow.Legend.Mode = SeriesLegendMode.SeriesLogic Please note that the formatting commands are without space between them.