Instructional Rating Manual Skydiving In Michigan

Instructional Rating Manual Skydiving In Michigan 9,8/10 3233votes
Skydiving In Flint MichiganSkydiving In Michigan Near Detroit

2018 Instructional Rating Manual Our. The 2018 SIM contains material for beginning to master-level skydivers whether working toward a license or rating. USPA Rating Courses. Take the next steps in advancing your skydiving career. 2016-2017 USPA Instructional Rating Manual. AKA 'THE IRM'. The USPA PRO Rating qualifies skydivers for skydiving exhibitions into. See Section 1 of each course syllabus in the Instructional Rating Manual to find the. Uspa instructional rating manual - United States Parachute Read more about uspa, rating, instructor, tandem, jumps and examiner.

Uspa instructional rating manual - United States Parachute 2014–2015 USPA INSTRUCTIONAL RATING MANUAL United States Parachute Association 5401 Southpoint Centre Blvd. Tiberium Wars V1 09 Patch Crack In Basement here. Fredericksburg, VA 22407 540. Karma Karaoke Keygen Torrent. 604.9740 (phone) 540.604.9741 (fax) WEB OVERVIEW NOT COMPLETE FOR COURSE WORK The IRM is published on a two-year cycle. For the most current USPA forms and all documented revisions that occur mid-cycle, please visit downloads. Note: This manual may be used as a valid textbook for USPA rating courses held through November 2016. If found, please return to: name:__________________________________________ address________________________________________ city, state, zip___________________________________ phone_________________________________________ e-mail_________________________________________ Cover photo: Photo by Sebastien Lalloz © 2014 United States Parachute Association All rights reserved; may not be reproduced Please do not copy or share this manual. Your representative skydiving association relies on the proceeds from the sale of the IRM to support the USPA instructional rating program.

On behalf of the membership, USPA thanks you for your contribution and your cooperation.

This entry was posted on 4/7/2018.