Shariah Program Classical Arabic Music

Shariah Program Classical Arabic Music 8,5/10 6204votes

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This is my review of the Classical Arabic classes offered by the Shariah Program, which is taught by Mufti Yusuf Mullan. You can learn more about the program here: In short, I highly recommend the program for those looking to learn classical Arabic so they can understand the Qur'an as well as access classical Arabic texts (e.g. Tafsir, poetry, etc.). I particularly recommend attending the live classes, as it will help you stay motivated as well as provide easy access for asking questions and clarifying your understanding. There is a lot of resources for support and the material and program are excellent.

Shariah Program Classical Arabic MusicClassical Arabic Music Instrumental

If you want to contact me for more information about the program or ask questions about my experience, you can reach me at May Allah bless all of those seeking knowledge and make it easy for us to understand the Qur'an to the fullest extent.

Shariah Program © 2003-2011 How to Enhance Your Learning of Classical Arabic by 1600% The Big Mistake that’s preventing most students from succeeding with. Shariah Program © 2003-2011 How to Enhance Your Learning of Classical Arabic by 1600% The Big Mistake that’s preventing most students from succeeding with.

This entry was posted on 3/14/2018.