Uninstallwinclient Exe Landeskog

Uninstallwinclient Exe Landeskog 8,1/10 1849votes
Uninstallwinclient.exeLandesk Uninstallwinclient.exe

Step Double-click the 'My Computer' icon on the desktop. If you are running Windows 7 or Vista, the icon is labeled 'Computer.'

In the drives listed, double-click the one labeled as the Core LANDesk drive. In this network drive, double-click the 'Idmain' directory. Fake Id Driving License. Step Copy the 'UninstallWinClient. The Bonez Astronaut Raritan. exe' file from the Idmain directory to your local machine.

You can copy it to any directory on your machine. The file does not have any dependencies, so it is the only file needed to remove LANDesk. Step Click the Windows 'Start' button and select 'Run. Edit Multi Page Pdf Inkscape Review. ' Enter 'cmd' into the text box and press 'Enter.' This opens the Windows command prompt.

Run the setup file: LANDesk Support Tools.exe. Follow the install wizard. Can I call LANDesk Support if a feature does not work? Reason Core Security anti-malware scan for the file Uninstallwinclient.exe (SHA-1 1e0f9838e86f3c04d61bfa227c6167bf11e87cae). Reason Core Security has detected the. Copy the 'UninstallWinClient.exe' file from the Idmain directory to your local machine. This uninstalls the LANDesk client and reboots the machine.

This entry was posted on 6/10/2018.