Yigal Mesika Exploding Light Bulb Pdf Files
Yes, the mechanism could be dangerous. And the success of how you 'ignite' the mechanism depends on the structure of your hand; if I may term it that way. The ad is right; the bulb will splatter like nobody's business, within a split second. If however, the bulb could crack /splatter less tremendously the effect would sell better - I think Nevertheless, the issue is how you would perfect the 'ignition' naturally. Great idea, but great practice as well.
Hope that helps MagicalDesignPro New user 69 Posts. I purchased this effect and, to be completely honest, was disappointed in it. It's a great idea and has a lot of potential, but because of the way it is designed, it can be difficult and awkward in its use - at least in my opinion. First, the best way to use this would be to put the bulb in a clear plastic ziplock bag. However, because of the size and shape of this prop, once in the bag, it is difficult to get the gimmick to do 'the thing'. Some SLIGHT design modifications, and this would be a great piece.
Torrent Contents [MAGIC] Yigal Mesika - Exploding Light Bulb. Torrent downloaded from Demonoid.com.txt 47 B; Yigal Mesika - Exploding Light Bulb.pdf 5,696 KB.
Hope this helps. DAvId tOnG Loyal user sInGaPoRe 218 Posts. I have this effect and think it's terrific. I'm a worry-wart about safety, but it doesn't seem at all unsafe to me, as long as you're not pointing the bulb at your own face and as long as no spectator is within a certain number of feet. I've not used in yet in public performance - you have to have the right context for it.. As someone else noted, it's hardly a good idea for close-up.
But I've practiced in my backyard and the mechanism worked for me everytime Ben Sims Fabric 73 Rar Files. .... I think that properly used (you have to create a good effect to which this is the climax), this is a potential reputation-maker 'demonstating' psychokinetic powers ot the presence poltergeists, or whatever the heck you want to. By the way if you get it, save all your used light bulbs at home, use 'em for practice. Steve Hoffman mailto:steve@goodnote.com chrisop New user 23 Posts. Count me in as someone who is interested in buying a used one of these as well.