The Hollies Evolution Rar File

The Hollies Evolution Rar File 5,9/10 2161votes

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Quality: 4 out of 5 (mono) 3.5 out of 5 (stereo) Trip-O-Meter: 3 out of 5 Evolution is the Hollies first profound attempt to dive in the pool of psychedelia. Unlike the later Butterfly, the Hollies brand of Brit-pop doesn't mix particularly well with the psychedelic elements here. Like the weaker tracks on Butterfly, however, the songwriting saves the day and makes for a solid album. This review focuses on the 2004 Japanese issue of both the mono and stereo Evolution along with the 'Carrie Anne'/'Signs That Will Never Change' single. The old adage that you can't judge a book by its cover applies to Evolution, but unfortunately not in its favor. The cover is an amazing image by The Fool which represents a paisley clad band seemingly reaching through the shrinkwrapping of the album.

The Hollies Evolution Album
This entry was posted on 6/9/2018.